ASHA RAM College of Nursing, Nagpur is an epoch making higher education institution. It is playing a significant role in shaping the ethos of the society.
Through education we are dedicated to imbibe a spirit of national character amongst the students . We ASHA RAM CON ,believe that the basic purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one .The objective is to extend the horizon of knowledge of skills keeping in mind, the changing dynamics of health care, nationally and globally.
I congratulate you on your decision to join one of the most prestigious Institutions of higher learning in central India. It is an Institution that has carved a deep niche in the annals of education and is surging ahead towards the zenith of education.
ASHA RAM is the only college that not only connects the students with the society with vide array of activities, but we inspire them to participate in extension activities which effectively bridges the gap between the education and Health care system.
The practical experience of learning enables our children to leave our college daily with either something in their hand, something in their mind and especially something in their heart.
As the head of the family, I assure you that imparting quality education with innovative based teaching learning module remains our prime concern. I recommend that while joining the college, acquaint your-self with the rules and regulations of the college, the syllabus, guidelines given in the prospectus and the college website. Attend your classes regularly and develop your personality. College life for you may mean freedom from the strict disciplined school regime, but remember, discipline leads you to become a successful person.
Wishing you a purposeful stay and a bright career ahead!